C – Programming
C is a programming language that is extremely popular, simple and flexible. it is machine-independent, structured programming language which is used extensively in various applications. C is a base for the programming. If you know ‘C,’ you can easily grasp the knowledge of the other programming languages. ‘C’ can be used widely in various applications. It is a simple language and provides faster execution. C programming language is not limited to but used widely in operating systems, language compilers, network drivers, language interpreters, and system utilities areas of development.
- Characteristics of C – Programming
- Structure of C – Program
- Tokens, Keywords, Variables, Constant
- Scope and Life of Variable, Local & Global Variable, Datatype
- Expressions & Operators: Arithmetic, Conditional, Logical, Bit wise Operators
- Precedence & Associativity of Operators, Type Conversion.
- Basic Input / Output Library
- Functions Single Character
- Input / Output i.e. getch(),
- getchar(), getche(), putchar(), printf(), scanf(),
- Predefined Library Function: Mathematical & String Functions.
- Declaration Statement
- Conditional Statement: If Statement
- If…….. Else Statement
- Nesting of If Else Statement
- Else If Statement
- Switch Statement
- Iteration Statement: For Loop, While Loop, Do While Loop
- Jump Statements- Break, Continue.
- Functions: Calling without Passing Arguments
- Calling with Passing Arguments
- Calling with not Returning Value
- Calling with Returning Value
- Call by Value & Call by Reference
- Concept of Recursion.
- Array Fundamentals
- Types of Array- Single Dimensional, Double Dimensional and Multi Dimensional Arrays
- Array Declaration and Initialization of Arrays
- Arring in from of Strings: Declaration, Initialization & Functions.
- Defining Structure
- Declaration of Structure Variable
- Type DEF
- Accessing Structure members
- Array in Structure
- Nested Structures
- Array of Structure
- Structure Assignment
- Structure as Function Argument
- Function that Return Structure Union
- Fundamentals of Pointer
- Pointer to Pointer Concept
- Pointer with Function
- Pointer with Array
- Pointer with Structure
- Point to Operator.
- Introduction to Dynamic Memory Allocation
- Use of malloc() and calloc()
- Use of sizeof()
- Use of realloc() and free()
- C Files & Streams
- Opening & Closing File
- Reading & Writing in file handling
- Use of open(), close(), get(), put(), read(), write()
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